Asbestos Insulation Testing

Asbestos Testing Los Angeles

pipe wrap testing for asbestos

Asbestos Insulation Testing
Asbestos Testing Laboratory
If you have suspect materials in your home that you believe may contain
asbestos, turn to LA Testing's asbestos testing lab for peace of mind.
Thousands of Americans die each year from asbestos related diseases.
Asbestos has been used for years in building materials, paper products,
plastics, and other products. Exposure mainly occurs in indoor air where
it may be released from these materials. Effects on the lung are a major
health concern from asbestos, as chronic [long-term] exposure to asbestos
in humans via inhalation can result in lung disease.
Asbestosis is characterized by shortness of breath and cough and may lead
to severe impairment of respiratory function. Cancer is also a major concern
from asbestos exposure, as inhalation exposure can cause lung cancer and
mesothelioma, and possibly gastrointestinal cancers in humans.
The EPA has classified asbestos as Group A, a known human carcinogen.
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